keskiviikko 13. maaliskuuta 2013

Manne's health results

My first and absolutely the best male FI CH FinnSieger Black Drop Id Est Il Duce (in picture two years) attented our favourite vet Kaisa Wikström 7.3.2013 at 7½ years age for thoroughgoing health examination.Previously  his knees have officially been been checked normal, elbows 0/0 , hips A/A and his mental test results are 197 points.
Manne has been several times in top 50 of Finnish agility ranking list and three times among top 5 show dog of Finnish Miniature  Schnauzer Club ( SKSK) with 10x CAC, 2 CACIB and 4x res.CACIB.
Manne has been most healthy male both physically and mentally and with great character he has been -and still is an ultimate role model for my younger males.

I'm so pleased for the latest results: Manne's cardiorespiratory and gastrointestinal status is normal. He has perfect  teeth -no tartar ever . His skin, totally black harsh fur and urinary system is normal, also prostatae. His  urine test is normal. His red and white cell count is normal, also asat alat afos, alb total proteins ( liver function), creatinine, urea, Pi ( renal function). Blood glucose, calsium, creatinine kinase, eletrolytes and cholesterol  values are normal.And also the eyes: totally clear!

Yllä in English Mannen pre-seniori terveystarkastuksen tuloksia. Ykkösmustalainen on huippukunnossa myös ammattilaisen arvioimana  priimojen labrakokeiden kera  ja tositarkoituksella tarkastetut silmät edelleenkin moittettomat :) Kuvassa 2v Manne Pilpasuolla .

2 kommenttia:

JenniL kirjoitti...

Manne on kyllä ihan SUPER! Hieno koira! Mahtavaa, että on vieläkin loistokunnossa (vaikka parhaassa iässähän sitä vasta ollaan!).

-jenni ja pojat

tuk kirjoitti...

You know what I mean ;)